Year 3

Mrs Milner

Mrs Stanford
Mrs Milner and Mrs Stanford would like to welcome you to Year 3.
What are the three topics and why we are teaching these?
In Year 3, our three key topics are ‘Stone Age, ‘The Romans’ and ‘Farm to Fork’.
Autumn Term-History through the ages: Stone Age:
In this topic, we continue our learning about the ancient past of Britain. We review our learning of The Dinosaurs (Year 1 Topic) and the Ice Age (Year 2) and examine how these periods of History gave rise to the Stone Age. In our English work we study a narrative unit on ‘Stone Age Boy’ by Satoshi Kitamura and in Science, we look at the formation and composition of rocks and fossils. The children develop their skills around creating timelines. We also examine how Stone Age people used tools and how these have developed over time. This then links into our Farm to fork topic as we look at Stone Age farmers and how farming has changed over time. We also combine this study with looking at cave art from the Paeolithic to the Mesolithic eras.
Spring Term-The Romans:
The ancient Romans left a treasure trove of ideas to the modern world. This legacy included many concepts that are still very important even today. Many of our buildings and how they are heated, the way we get rid of our sewage, the roads we use, some of our wild animals, religion, the words and language we speak, how we calculate distances, numbers and why we use money to pay for goods were all introduced by the Romans. The children also look at creating beautiful mosaic pieces, inspired by these Master decorators! This important period in British History is studied at Year 3 and provides a strong foundation for subsequent examination of the Viking era, which is then studied in Year 6.
Summer Term-Farm to Fork:
Knowing where our food comes from bridges the gap between field and fork. The cycle of farm to our plates is ongoing, as are the prices we pay for them. This topic builds on the knowledge we gained in Years 1 and 2 about being healthy and about healthy eating. it also raises important concepts for the children such as the amount of plastic packaging we use for our food and the impact of the ‘food miles’ from Farm to Fork. The topic also bridges neatly with our mini-topic for this half term which looks at renewable energy and reducing our carbon footprint. It also links to our work on Climate Change in Year 5.
What are our mini-topics and why are we teaching these?
In Year 3, our mini-topics are separated into three parts and are taught at the end of each main topic. They include:
Autumn Term 1-Life Skills: Cooking a Simple Meal
During this mini-topic we look at the various foods which are available seasonally. We build on our knowledge of healthy eating and nutrition gained in Year 2 to design a simple healthy meal. Children will then have the exciting opportunity to prepare, cook and evaluate their own seasonal dish. This mini-topic aims to increase children’s life experience, social capital and enjoyment of food.
Spring Term 2 Country: (China)
In this mini-topic we explore the terrain, ecosystem and environment of China. We look at how the climate, jobs, transport and homes of the people living in Dubai differ from those around us and understand that natural resources have a significant impact on our daily lives.
Summer Term 2-Global Issue: Renewable Energy
The intent behind this mini-topic is to better understand the importance and benefits of renewable energy. The students of today need to study renewable energy because it will be a vital part of the world they inhabit. And in learning about renewable energy, they'll also be learning concepts and skills that will help them succeed in school and in their chosen careers. This mini-topic builds on our knowledge of the importance of recycling and the damage done by pollution, studied in Year 2 and prepares us for our study of Climate Change at Year 5.
What are you trying to achieve in your year group?
In Year 3, we aim to bring together the skills that we have learnt throughout our school careers so far. We aim to use them in practical ways to learn more about the world and our place in it. In addition to this, it is hoped that we are building on our understanding of the difference between right and wrong, knowing that our decisions can have an influence beyond ourselves. Furthermore, it is important that we understand the terms; respect, reflection and resilience and that we are able to put these skills into practice.