Miss Jenkins
Miss Fuller
Welcome to Reception at Laughton J&I!
We have an exciting year of topics planned for our class and which will motive and engage them. Alongside these themes we will learn key life skills and also respond to the children's interests and have a flexible approach to ensure that they love to learn using all of their senses!
What are our topics and why are we teaching these?
We have an exciting year of topics planned which will motive and inspire through child-centred learning. Our themes in Reception have been chosen based on the interests of our Reception children but also to expose them to new experiences and to develop new interests that our children have not already experienced. Topics are explored though good quality focus key stories or texts to inspire, engage and develop language and imagination.
Autumn Term - Good to be me!
This is centred around the child celebrating what makes them unique. We feel that it is important that children learn about the body and how to stay healthy. We also focus on emotional well-being, recognising feelings of themselves and feelings of others. Children also love to learn about the emergency services such as the NHS, fire service and police! The themed role-play areas both indoors and outdoors will develop their imagination and storytelling skills as well as support their understanding of how important these roles are in the community.
Spring - Our Amazing World
This term explores the natural world which creates wonder and awe.
Through the use of stories such as 'Whatever Next' we will learn about Space, fire up their imaginations and develop their use of language with stories of zooming to the stars.
As Spring approaches we will be observing the changes in the environment and observing plants grow in our school garden and allotment.
Shelley our school tortoise will be waking from hibernation and we will learn about other living creatures such as mini-beasts and British wildlife.
Summer – Fairy tale Castles & Under the Sea
Children love fairy tale stories and will be excited to learn that Laughton once had its own castle. We will be talking about castles long ago and visiting the site of Laughton Castle on a local walk. It is important that children have an understanding of local history in the place where they live. The children will also be creating their own castle adventure stories using story language such as 'Once upon a time'...
Sea life is fascinating for children and we will be finding out facts about different sea creatures. We will have a focus on boats and travelling by sea to France.
What are our mini-topics and why are we teaching these?
Autumn - Key Life-Skills
We feel that alongside the characteristics of effective learning it is important that children develop independence. We have chosen the following key skills for Reception class so that they are prepared and confident for the transition into Y1
I can zip up my coat
I always have good manners
I can fasten buttons
I can put on my shoes
I can use a knife and fork
I can prepare my own snack e.g. peel and orange/banana
I know how to cross the road safely
Spring Term – Country: France
During this mini-topic teaches the children about a different with a different culture to ours. France is the closest country to the UK and this enables the children to compare and contrast to their own local area. We learn some key French words and phrases, learn to count in French, taste French food and play french games such as boules.
Summer Term – Global Issue: Litter in my Village
The intent behind this mini-topic is to develop pride in their environment and how they can make a difference to improve where they live. The children take part in a litter pick day with people in the local community.
What are you trying to achieve in your year group?
In Reception class, we build on the skills that we have learnt throughout Nursery and at home. Our Reception curriculum is part of our whole EYFS curriculum that has been designed with the children of Laughton at the heart of it. Children begin to learn about themselves, the community and how their environment compares to other places, cultures and nature locally and in other parts of the world. Having positive friendships and good relationships with key adults is vital and understanding feelings with empathy towards others ensure they have the foundations to be good citizens as they grow older. We want to ensure that all children leaving the Reception Year are Y1 ready and are confident, independent and engaged learners!