Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)
The school follows the guidelines set out by the Department for Education Code of Practice (2014) and ensure children experiencing special educational needs (SEN) are identified early, their needs planned for and provision made to ensure their needs are met. The level of support and provision provided will be dependent upon the level of need. As a school we aim to meet the needs of each pupil as an individual. Whether it is a learning difficulty, emotional or behavioural need, sensory impairment, we aim to support such identified children to the best of our ability. Children, who are identified as having additional educational needs, wherever possible, remain integrated within a class and are supported by an additional teaching assistant, working in a small group or a 1:1 scenario.For some children this may be low level in small groups and using the school's own resources. For other children, the degree of difficulty they are experiencing may indicate that they will require a higher level of extra support than school can provide from its own resources. For these children a more formal assessment is carried out by outside agencies and may lead to the application of an Education, Health and Care Plan.
All children receiving additional support will have their own small targets written in an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or support plan. The Special Needs Disability Co-ordinator (Miss Jackson), the class teacher and the parents work closely so that the children have the greatest possible access to a broad and balanced curriculum. The school also maintains close relationships with Educational Psychologists, Autism Support, Speech and Language Therapists, the Health Service and Fusion Learning Support Service, who support the school during the stages of assessment.
The SEN policy is available to download from our policies page, or a paper copy is available from the school office.
The school's local offer can be found below.
A link to the Rotherham SEND local offer can be found here: https://www.rotherhamsendlocaloffer.org.uk/
If you are a parent or carer who needs impartial support or advice please contact SENDIASS on: http://www.rotherhamsendiass.org.uk/​

Miss E Jackson
We have no responsibility for content on the following pages but they may be able to offer you support on advice on SEND: